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How to Prevent Sexually Transmitted Diseases?

Sexually transmitted diseases are commonly transferred through sexual contact between two individuals. It can easily be spread and very common disease. However, the treatment is possible, and it can only be cured and prevented if people take precautionary measures and consider the facts by which they can prevent their health. It is important for every […]

Common Causes of Acid Reflux in Infants

What is Acid Reflux? Acid reflux happens when the sphincter muscle, which is present in the esophagus’s lower end that relaxes at the wrong time and supplies back the stomach acid to the esophagus. The disease is also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), people usually experience acid reflux time by time, a person may […]

Why ADHD is observed in Children?

ADHD has been reported in children more, parents never know their children are going through severe ADHD for long. It is a common neurodevelopment disorder that develops in childhood. ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder which usually appears at the age of seven. It has been usually identified when your kids is not paying […]


Being concerned for your baby for not getting enough milk is okay. Parents sometimes are more concerned to give babies need a formula for any other reasons as well. All you must know that giving formulas to your baby is a bit risky if there’s no medical cause for doing that. Feeding your baby powder […]

What are the Possible Effects of Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a type of mental disorder. It is a manic-depressive illness, which is a brain disorder in which a person experiences elevated moods. People with this disorder experience low and high levels of energy and happiness. They go through episodes of sadness, low-esteem, and hopelessness. During these periods they feel and behave normally, […]

The Positive Effects of Doodling on Mental Health

Doodling occupies all of the attention of a person. It is composed of the random abstract; whatever comes into a person’s mind, he draws it to give illustration to his thoughts. Usually, it is drawn in the unconscious mind; people doodle to avoid boredom. However, it is rude to doodle to ignore the lectures at […]

The Negative Effects of Working Mother on Children

The bond between a mother and her child is unbreakable. At the early ages, all a kid need is the attention of his/her mother for the whole time. The brains of children are so sensitive, they can feel little things in a moment, and their emotional behavior is already very unpredictable. The early age like […]

The High-fibers to Add to your Meal Plan

Most of us are not taking enough fiber in our meals daily. The recommended amount of fiber intake is 25 to 30 grams per day. As we all know, fiber is the nutrition rock star that comes with various health benefits. Fiber works wonders when it comes to weight loss, getting rid of heart diseases, […]

The Best Healthy Morning Routine for Children

A fresh start in the morning means a healthy day throughout. When the school years of your child starts, you rushed toward the mains that can keep your kid healthy and in routine. Mothers start to list down the likelihoods in the timeline and conquer it from the morning. From our childhood, we heard that […]


There’s no proof that ultrasound scans are harmful. Scans like ultrasound had been utilized in being pregnant for years now. It might not influence the baby it just sends sound waves through the womb, which we call the uterus, which bounces to the baby’s body. Ultrasound helps the sonographer to check the baby’s movement in […]