When you are looking for good levels of cholesterol, protein, nutrients, sources of Omega-3, and dietary sources of choline, eggs must be your best friend. Eggs are delicious, and if you want to be healthy, three eggs in a day are perfectly safe. Eggs contain the good cholesterol known as HDL that maintain the cholesterol levels.

People usually think that eggs might make them fat, however, they top among the healthiest foods you can eat. They contain the essential vitamins and minerals, proteins, and healthy fats that are important for the body. Moreover, there are few qualities present in eggs that helps in weight loss as well.

Eggs can easily be mixed with many foods such as vegetables and cooked in many different ways. Cooking the eggs removes bacteria and make them even safer. Here are some popular methods of cooking the egg.


They are usually cooked in somewhat cool water. They are broken in a pot that contains simmering water and then they are cooked for around 2.5 to 3 minutes.


People love to cook eggs in different ways as maybe they are a regular eater. Baking the egg might sound odd, but that’s true. Eggs are baked hot over in a flat-bottomed platter till the egg is settled down completely.


If your taste buds are too good, you will go for an omelet. All you need to do is, just beat the eggs properly, heat the oil on a pan, pour the beaten eggs into it and let it cook on low flame until it gets solid. Moreover, you can get onions, chilies, potatoes, and tomatoes in your egg also.


Boiled eggs are the ultimate eating partner. They are cooked in their shells in hot water for around 6 to 10 minutes straight. It depends on how well cooked you want your yolk to be. The more you boil, the steadier your yolk will be.


They are cooked similarly to the omelet. Just beat the eggs properly, pour them in the hot pan, keep the flame low and let it cook until it turns out firm. Add a pinch of salt or any other spice, if you want for some flavor!


Well, fried eggs are the favorites of kids especially. Eggs are directly cracked into the hot pan. You can cook it on one side, which makes the “sunny side up” or fry it from both sides “over easy,” the choice is all yours. People usually love to eat half fry egg and full fry depending on how solid they want the yolk.


Usually, microwaves help cook the egg in various ways. It takes lesser time in cooking the egg in the microwave than it takes on the stove. Well, cooking an egg is not as safe as it is assumed to be, the reason is, as the eggs are in their shells, the pressure may immediately build up inside, and they could burst.

Introducing solid food to babies is the most challenging thing for infants. It is the first step that is involved in the growth of babies and the trickiest thing for parents. When it comes to deciding the meal plan which is easy to digest and babies like the taste as well. Bananas are already filled with nutrients, and they can easily be combined with other foods as well to make more yummy servings for newborns. You can serve bananas straight, and your baby will love it.

The first foods for newborns are cereals and fruits, they are the gold standard foods for infants. However, experts recommend introducing vegetables, meats, and fruits as the child’s solid. Giving them bananas is a good idea. It is the best food ever for kids and adults people of all ages. So why just bananas? Here are the reasons it has the most appeal.

Packed with Nutrients

The notable reason is, it is packed with potassium content, and most people know that. It carries a lot of a variety of minerals, fiber, and vitamins. It is rich in a wide variety of vitamins A, C, D, and K: B vitamins, iron, selenium, folate, phosphorous, manganese, copper, choline, magnesium, and calcium. Not all the nutrients are present in bananas, but they are rich in most of the nutrients.

Easy to Digest

It is difficult for babies to digest solids in the beginning, they need the lightest food that they can easily eat and digest. If you are looking for easily palatable foods, go for bananas. They are the best source of carbohydrates specifically when they are ripped. Ripe bananas are significant for babies because they make them more digestible, and the pectin in them begins to break down.

Prevent Anemia

As we all might know that bananas are rich in iron, and hence they help produce the hemoglobin content in the body and generate red blood cells. Experts recommend iron-rich foods for babies at the early stages and bananas are a good source of preventing anemia in kids.

Bananas can easily be combined

If you want your baby to eat bananas, introduce more yummy meals of bananas. At times, your baby might get bored of eating bananas all the time. You can easily expand the range of banana foods that make them love the flavor. There are many recipes available on the internet such as banana smoothies, bananas with cereals, and other formulas.

High in Fibers

Fibers are a must for your kids, however, bananas are the best contributor to cover the daily intake of fiber. You may already hear of giving and not giving bananas when kids are having constipation. This is actually because of the ripeness of bananas. Ripped bananas never cause constipation, while the less ripped bananas can.

Good for Bones and Eyesight

We all think that carrots are only good for eyesight, however, bananas carry vitamin A which is best for the vision of kids. Moreover, the potassium content present in it contributes to making the bones strong and grow.

When a person is diagnosed with diabetes, now he has to restrict the sugar intake. Among a remarkable population, the increasing number of diabetic patients is more likely due to the increased consumption of sugar. Conclusively, scientists are not confirmed whether sugar causes diabetes or not, however, it has been seen that fructose can increase the risk of liver disease. Moreover, sugar is said to be the reason for many other health problems such as heart diseases. Thereby, people are suggested by the professionals to limit the consumption of added sugar.

The only way to control diabetes and its complications is by physical activity for more than 150 minutes a week. People with diabetes are suggested to eat a balanced diet that is rich in protein, fiber, and saturated fats. Well, as diabetes cut off the intake of sugar, diabetic patients go for artificial sweeteners. Researchers have found that, if you are looking for managing your diabetes, artificial sugar is said to be counterintuitive. Moreover, the consumption of sugar alternates might directly be associated with the increase of diabetes and obesity.

There are some sugar substitutes that you can easily choose from which includes:

  • Date sugar
  • Tagatose
  • Coconut palm sugar
  • Sugar alcohols, like erythritol or xylitol.
  • Stevia or stevia products such as Truvia.
  • Monk fruit extract

The Best Sugar Alternates or Artificial Sweeteners


Usually, this type of sugar alternate is provided by restaurants and cafes. It is a well-known and widely used artificial sweetener. This type of substitute contains a zero-calorie which is 200-700 times better and sweeter than table sugar. In the 1970s, according to FDA, there was research conducted in the laboratory on rats to find out the relation between bladder cancer and saccharin, but now more than 30 human studies mark saccharin safe and are not considered to be a potential cause of cancer.

Sugar Alcohols

The sugar alcohols come from the natural fibers present in vegetables and fruits. This alternate is normally used in many of the so-called sugar-free desserts, gums, and candies. They are low in calories and relatively blood-sugar friendly as compared to carbohydrates. Sugar alcohols might have a laxative upshot which could be a reason for bloating, indigestion, and diarrhea in some people. When you are adding sugar alcohol in your foods and beverages begin with the small amounts and see how it works on you.


This is the most well-known kind of naturally occurring sugar that still researchers studying. With the initial studies they have found that it helps reduce the blood sugar and insulin response hinders with the carbohydrates absorption and potentially an antiobesity and antidiabetic medication. There are no adverse side effects are found related to tagatose. But before taking the tagatose sugar sweetener consult with the doctor.


This kind of sweetener is another natural product that drives from the lead of the stevia plant. It contains antidiabetic and antioxidant properties. This sweetener is more often used in beverages and foods moreover, it is calorie-free. Studies have found no impact of stevia on blood sugar, and it is recognized as safe by the experts.

For the healthy eating routine, leafy greens are said to be the imperative part. They’re stuffed with minerals, vitamins, and fiber, however, low in calories. A diet rich routine in greens can provide various health advantages including, low risks of coronary illness, obesity, hypertension, heart diseases, and mental decay.

Green vegetables guarantee beautiful hair and skin. Vegetables such as collards and kale are packed with calcium, which guarantees solid bones and teeth. Antioxidants, for example, lutein, Vitamin C, and zeaxanthin in greens decrease the chances of cataracts and degeneration of muscles.

Dark green vegetables are wellsprings of numerous minerals, (for example, iron and calcium) and Vitamins, (for example, Vitamin A, C, and K, and folate). They’re likewise extraordinary wellsprings of fiber. This assists with ensuring your body ingest the Vitamins you consume.

Almost 56% of kids and 80% of adults don’t eat enough vegetables and fruits. The condition is truly downright awful in different nations also. Australia’s Health 2018 report discovered that more than 99% of kids and 96% of adults don’t consume the suggested five vegetables daily.

Studies have demonstrated that eating 2-5 cups of green vegetables alongside 30 minutes or one hour of exercise can help in reducing the risk of turning out to be obese and decreases the risk of Type 2 diabetes, cancer, obesity, and heart diseases. Here are some health benefits of leafy greens that encourage you to add to your routine diet.

Rich in Iron

Iron is plentiful in red meats, the mineral is likewise huge in green, leafy veggies. Iron is a mineral fundamental for oxygenating blood and conveying it all through the body. Iron deficiency may cause fatigue, shortcoming, fragile nails, regular headaches, fair skin, a sore or inflamed tongue, dizziness, loss of craving, a shivering sensation in legs, and a fast heartbeat.

Give Energy

Consuming green vegetables daily, you may have lower cholesterol, yet additionally, it improves vision, bowel wellbeing, and better bone. The fiber in green veggies abolishes accumulated toxins and waste in the colon that helps in preventing constipation problems. This encourages you to get more energy to do your everyday errands. They likewise forestall age-related memory loss, moreover improves brain and cognitive functioning.

Strengthen your Body

Popeye the spinach-adoring mariner helped expand America’s utilization of the leafy green vegetable by 33%. Presently science is again coming up with the fact that the more we consume greens, the healthier it is for the muscles. Leafy greens and green vegetables contain a lot of minerals and vitamins, which support the body to retain amino acids and protein.

A single kale serving carries more calcium as compared to a single serving of milk and more Vitamin C as in orange. Green vegetables come with indoles and lutein like broccoli, asparagus, bok choy, and so forth, help make bones and teeth more grounded. They likewise upgrade muscle recuperation and heal tissue.

Green Vegetables Enhances Beauty

The green vegetables carry fiber, minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals that furnish you with all the sustenance your hair and skin require, giving them the beauty and natural sparkle. Consuming green vegetables daily decreases the impacts of natural toxins or environmental pollutants that quicken aging.

When it’s cold outside, the whole family decides to stay at home and enjoy their favorite meal together. Winter brings the urge of hibernation with it. You may avoid going outside even to enjoy your favorite food. You see nothing but the cozy comforter, there is a drop in the energy levels and all you are searching for is the easiest options.

Well, with all of the laziness, you cannot afford to give your kids fast food all the time. Those snacks and junk food is unhealthy and you cannot compromise when it comes to the health of your kid, even if it is winter. But, there is a problem that keeps bothering you, your kids are too choosy about food. So you must be already looking for the best recopies that make the meals fun. So here are some ideas that work for your children and the whole family.

The Veggie Sausages Rolls

When it comes to filling the hangry tummies, the delicious veggies sausage rolls are the lifesavers. It gives an instant sneak peek to the mealtime. The ingredients you will need includes;

  • 3 tbsp tomato sauce or passata
  • 500 g lean beef mince
  • Olive oil spray
  • 2 zucchini grated, excess moisture removed
  • 1 Onion chopped
  • 2 carrots grated
  • 2/3 cup low-fat cheese grated
  • 10 sheets filo pastry

Macaroni and Cheese

When you shout out the name macaroni, your kids will definitely get excited. And what could be more fascinating when they are elevated with cheese? This is something you and your kids can imagine from mac and cheese without having extra calories. It totally bound all the family members. So go grab the following ingredients!

  • 2 cups shredded tasty cheese
  • ½ head of cauliflower
  • 1 tsp smoked paprika optional
  • 1 cup butternut pumpkin
  • 2 cups uncooked macaroni
  • 1 medium carrot
  • 1 tbsp. corn flour made into a paste with some water
  • 1 cup vegetable stock
  • 2 tbsp. cream cheese
  • 1 cup full cream milk
  • 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese shredded
  • 1 tbsp garlic minced

Breakfast Muffins

Do you think your kid can imagine his life without muffins? I guess all moms will agree with the answer ‘NO.’ Well, the muffins that you usually got from markets are totally filled with white flour and extra amounts of sugar. But the homemade muffins are filled with original ingredients and satisfy the tummies. What do you think about the banana, berry, and yogurt muffins? Here are the ingredients you will require to make the ideal treat!

  • 3/4 cup natural or greek style low-fat yogurt
  • 2 cups buckwheat flour you could also use wholemeal or spelled flour
  • 1/2 tsp natural vanilla essence
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1/2 cup fresh or frozen berries
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • Olive oil or butter for greasing the muffin tins
  • 2 ripe bananas mashed
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 tsp bicarb soda
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup fresh or frozen berries

Mexican Chicken Nachos

You kids might become tired of seeing the traditional food every day, so it’s time to decorate the table with a tempting Mexican recipe. Even if you are the fussiest, you would love to try this recipe. You can alter the ingredients as per the taste of your family. Or you can add more chili if you want it to be a bit spicy. Grab the following ingredients!

  • 400 g tinned tomatoes
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1/3 cup natural yogurt
  • 1 cup corn kernels
  • 1 red capsicum diced
  • 3/4 cup tasty cheese grated
  • 400 g tinned kidney beans drained and rinsed
  • 1 avocado mashed
  • 2 tbsp reduced salt taco seasoning
  • 1 chicken breast cooked and shredded with a fork
  • 175 g plain corn chips

People perceive Valentine’s Day as an event that is associated with loved ones. Flowers, chocolates and teddy bears are the only presents, but have you think about celebrating the day of love with your kids? Isn’t it amazing? Yes, it is actually! When you go through the best ways and activities you would find the best options that make Valentine’s Day a fun event.

For the last 4 to 5 years, parents are preferring to celebrate this day with their children and family, and it comes out to be the best idea. You all must be looking for the best ideas as the event is just a few days away, so worry no more as we are here with the yummiest and interesting breakfast ideas that you would love to enjoy with your kids on Valentine’s Day morning. Choose the safe and best ingredients and end up licking your fingers.

Jam Muffins

Muffins are the love of almost every kid, those yummy and sweet muffins are the favorites; isn’t it exciting to serve them in breakfast? Yes, it would be for the kids. They are easy to make, the ingredients you may require are;

  • ¼ teaspoon kosher salt
  • ⅓ Cup packed light-brown sugar
  • 2 large eggs, at room temperature
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 tablespoon grated lemon zest (from 1 lemon)
  • 1 cup whole milk, at room temperature
  • ¼ cup seedless raspberry fruit spread
  • ½ cup unsalted butter, slightly melted and cooled
  • 1 tablespoon granulated sugar

With all these ingredients prepare the yummy muffins and top them with the mini heart cutouts with the heart-shaped cutter. It will instantly attract your children!

Iced Breakfast Buns

You can take your average regular buns to perfect multiple shaded Valentine’s Day level. You can add more appeal to your pink and red glazed buns with heart-shaped sprinkles over them. But keep the quantity leveled. The ingredients for the buns are;

  • 1 ½ teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 large egg, lightly beaten
  • ¾ cup plain 2% reduced-fat Greek yogurt
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour, plus more
  • ¾ cup plain 2% reduced-fat Greek yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon kosher salt

The ingredients for the glaze includes;

  • Natural pink food-coloring powder
  • 1 cup confectioners’ sugar
  • Heart-shaped sprinkles, for decorating
  • 4 to 6 teaspoons water, plus more if needed

Mini Frittatas Bacon-Cheddar

Your breakfast table look will instantly be elevated when you spell out the letters LOVE appealingly. By doing this you can deliver the Valentine’s Day message with the favor of your kids. It’s simple like you can imagine. Here is what you will need.

L: mini frittatas, at least 4.

O: a thin slice of Kiwi.

V: Frozen Waffle, cut the waffle in heart shape and decorate it with pats of butter.

E: Small Raspberries.

Sheet-Pan Chocolate Hotcakes

When you are decorating your table with colors serving the sheet-pan chocolate hotcake won’t be a bad idea. This is the true masterpiece and the centerpiece of the table. Cut some heart shapes out of the parchment paper cool down the hotcake and dust confectioner’s sugar through the cut paper. You can also decorate it with fresh barriers and maple syrup!

When all that corona situation was going, there was a time in March 2020 when there was a shortage of hand sanitizers. You all may remember when people were searching for sanitizers everywhere. Things were going so incongruent when the companies that produce distilleries switched from making the machinery to produce the items to clean hands, to contribute in picking up the drooping. Well, that all was about the previous times.

But the things seem opposing, there is no connection of sanitizers to the dairy companies. Recently the news pops up that Hiland Dairy has been recalled some of its half-pint 1% low-fat cartons of chocolate milk. Its users were thinking, why? According to the FDA posting notes, some of the batches were improperly filled and contain food-grade sanitizers.

Oklahoma City ABC affiliate with KOCO News has reported that some of the hospital authorities have found the contagion when around 50 young patients get affected by the chocolate milk, which leads to some serious illness. Some of the patience around 28 was moved to a local hospital for children for more observation and assessment by the gastroenterologist.

In Oklahoma City and western Oklahoma, moreover in Texas, San Antonio, Dallas, and Tyler, the gratuitously sanitized chocolate milk was sold to the wholesale customers. Around 4,800 cases were recorded and each encompassing 50 units that have half-pint chocolate milk that makes a total of 240,000 units of chocolate milk was recalled.

The products that are contaminated carry plant code #4025, which will be sold by the date of January 27, 2021. All of the products with this date were recalled by Hiland Dairy, as per the information given by the company.

The constant customers that used to buy those chocolate milk items don’t know how much they are contaminated. The first batch, which has been found with the contagion already did its work, and a few of the cases were revealed.

The potential issues were already learned by Hiland Dairy and confirmed after the complete internal quality control testing. When the issue was inveterate, the company immediately communicated with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the product recall. Those food-grade sanitizers are used for the areas that are affected by food. They are said to have chemicals that are harmful and strictly not recommended to be consumed.

The latest updates are proving that even ice creams are not safe from recalls, this all shows that you should not be so careful. So now, keep the sanitizers away from your chocolate milk and use them to clean your hands. All settles down, and that was all about the old times when there was a scarcity of sanitizers.

There are always some incredible benefits of natural foods that sometimes we don’t even know. Honey, the sweetest natural product contains many benefits that surely leave you awestruck when you discover them. Adding honey in your daily life is beneficial, but keep the amount of consumption in consideration as too much honey consumption may cause health obstructions.

Well, as the naturally sweet substance carries a lot of untold benefits. When it’s cold, and you are coughing, get one scoop of it, as honey is the cure! You might have heard the buzz that eating honey is best when the cold is annoying you. Researchers have found that when you eat honey it prepares a protective layer in the throat, which prevents infections. This sweet pick has antimicrobial properties that kick away cough and help boost the immune system.

Honey is full of therapeutic properties that contain many benefits, here are some that you need to know and help you to decide when to take it!

Best for Skin

For ages, honey is known to be the best for skincare. It contains the humectant compound, which plays a significant role in retaining the skin’s moisture content. Honey gives glow and elasticity to the skin, moreover, when you apply honey to your skin, it completely wipes away the dead cells and wrinkles.

It moreover fights skin infections, firms the skin, and helps get the skin tone back. It wipes out the impurities and combat eczema as well.

Carries Antioxidants

Honey contains some of the antioxidants, which are involved in fighting the damaged cells that could cause cancers and heart diseases. More than a tablespoon of honey is recommended to take to get a proportion of antioxidants.

Healing Properties

Honey is enriched with antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, hence it can prevent the growth of bacteria. It could heal the cuts and wounds faster, reduces pains, and stimulates speedy recovery. The antifungal properties in honey could reduce the risk of having jock itch, fungal infection on the foot, and athlete foot.

Weight Control

Honey is known for reducing weight. If you are diet conscious honey is the best source of added sugar to cover up the requirement. People are always advised to get the plain form of sweetening and foods, however, honey being the natural sweetener, helps to control the amount of added sugar.

Usually, 6 tablespoons of honey are recommended to consume daily, in the case it is the only source. However, if you are taking added sugar from any other source as well, ensure that the total sugar consumption is 6 tablespoons. More sugar can increase the risk of weight gain and obesity.

Retains Energy

With the other benefits for the wellbeing, honey carries fructose and glucose, this form of carbohydrates supply energy to the body, increase endurance, and lessens the muscles fatigue. Moreover, the consumption of honey in the morning reduces morning sickness. The calcium absorption power of the body also seems to increase due to the consumption of honey, enhance hemoglobin count which fights anemia.

For millions of people, caffeine is a real booster. Rather it helps them to wake up, or it gives people energy. Well, there must be some negative and positive both effects. It is considered the most common natural ingredient that could be taken in the night or in the afternoon to stay away from the sleepy sessions all day. There are negative impacts on anxiety and sleep on the person who takes caffeine too frequently. Well, on the other hand, there are some health benefits that we don’t know. But, still, we take it harmful for health.

This natural stimulant is found in coffee, tea, and cacao plants. It helps a person to stay alert and stay away from tiredness by stimulating the nervous system and brain. Moreover, coffee has been discovered lately, but it has been reported to give extra energy to its consumers. Many caffeinated drinks have been seen prominently in the market and many other energy drinks have becomes highly demanded among teenagers especially. Now, around 80% of people take caffeinated products each day.

Caffeine has a big impact on our brain. It enters the bloodstream and travels to the liver where it is scattered into compounds, and affects the functionality of some of the body organs. The main purpose of caffeine is to control the neurotransmitter adenosine, which is responsible for making the brain feel relaxed and tired. It blocks the functioning of adenosine by connecting it to the brain without activating the receptors.

Moreover, caffeine is said to be a psychoactive drug as it affects the brain by stimulating it and keeping the brain alert, focus, and awake. Like, the amount of caffeine found in one cup of coffee take 15 minutes to enter the bloodstream and around 1 hour to give full alertness. The people who used to work for extended hours or teens who study overnight become addicted to it, and they need a cup of coffee or tea or any energy drink before getting to work.

Health Benefits of Caffeine Consumption

  • The change in brain messaging helps improve mood and brain functionality.
  • It helps in fat burning, if you take 300 mg caffeine in a day, it burns 79 calories each day.
  • Helps in boosting the metabolism
  • Caffeine helps to utilize fats as fuel, improves muscle contraction, reduces fatigue, and helps increase physical activity.
  • Caffeine reduces the risk of heart diseases and diabetes.
  • It also decreases the risk of having Multiple Sclerosis, cancer, prevents gout, protects skin and liver, and reduces the risk of premature death.

Risk Factors

Caffeine consumption daily is said to be safe, however, excessive intake can lead to anxiety, irregular heartbeat, restlessness, sleeping problems, and tremors. Moreover, the other side effects of caffeine are high blood pressure, headache, and migraine in most people. Pregnant women are prohibited to take caffeine excessively during their pregnancy as it can increase the chances of low birth weight and miscarriages.

One of mum’s biggest worry! The baby is in the 5th month how to get started with solid foods? Mothers usually think, should I keep the spoon full or half? Will the little one like it or not? Am I going right or not? How to make it fun? Well, mommies, instead of being so depressed, begin with some cool ideas, and get yourself aware of the actual time and what food to give. For that, you should concern with the doctors or go to the experienced moms and ask them. Without a doubt, there is a lot of comfort in breastmilk or formula milk, but your baby needs solid real food as he grew up, and the best time to introduce solids is 4 to 6 months.

Solid food is a big step, especially for new moms. It is very important to find out how to move from breastmilk to some solids. It is indeed an exciting time, but still, it is crucial to decide a good timeline, follow the precautionary measures, and creating a simple menu chart for your baby.

Which Foods to Introduce First?

When a baby is 4 to 6 months, he could not take solid food in a certain order. Well, when he enters 7 to 9 months he can eat a variety of foods, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. These foods could be yogurt, fruits, cereals, vegetables, cheese, meat, grain, proteins, and more.

Make sure the cereals you are giving to your infant should be fortified. Those cereals are oat, multi-grains, barley, and rice cereals. It is not suggested by the Food and Drug Administration to offer only rice cereals, as there is a risk of having arsenic in infants.

Tips to Start Solids

Mommies usually got panicked when they don’t know how to start as they have to consider the mood of their little chipmunks too. Well here are some easy ways that help you begin healthy development.

Decide When to Give the First Bite

It is hard to recognize whether the baby is ready to take the first bite or not. Well, the best indicator is, when you are holding the plate full of meal and they are just trying to grab it, it is the best time to give them the first bite. Don’t open their mouth forcefully, just wait for the indicator.

Begin with Finger Foods

Typically, the pediatricians recommend to begin with cereals, and thin vegetables and fruits, and slowly, move to finger foods like scrambled eggs, cooked vegetables, thin slices of fruits, and chunks of meat. Well, normally it has been observed that children avoid their finger foods and grab the solids themselves when they are sitting with family. This improves awareness and reduces the risks of obesity.

First Offer Allergenic Foods

Scientist recommends introducing the allergenic foods first, like eggs, peanuts, soy, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, sesame, and wheat. If your child is allergic to those foods, he will more likely to have some allergic reactions, and then you should delay giving them those foods until they turn 2 or 3.