Well, as women are excited for their baby, on the other hand, the struggles throughout the nine months and after giving birth to the baby stressing them out. Bearing all the pressure, taking care of the baby, and handling the personal health issues are not too easy. After childbirth, the woman reaches the stage of postpartum, which has different levels that go from high to moderate. Every mother wants to recover from the postpartum phase as soon as they can. This stage is based on the timeline starting from weeks and ending to months.

The six weeks to six months postpartum is the mild level. Here you will observe very little or no changes. But again, the concern of your health provider is crucial at all levels. In the 6th week, your uterus shrinks back to normal, and the incisions and C-section scars begin to heal your doctor can only ensure you about the stabilizing. If your health consultant confirms you as normal you are ready to exercise and for sex.

Bladder Control

After delivery, the bladder and pelvis go through a hard time maintaining the flow to the normal as it was before pregnancy. As the uterus shrinks to the normal size, it sits on the bladder, compacting and making problems for the bladder to control. During and after pregnancy, the hormonal changes can help the bladder to recover.

For the speedy recovery of the bladder, women are recommended to do Kegel exercise, drink at least 8 glass of water, control the excess weight, avoid soft drinks, citrus, alcohol, tomatoes, and coffee affecting the bladder and make urination difficult, and avoid constipation which puts extra pressure on the bladder.

Safe Return to Exercise 

Women are so excited to have a normal routine when they are just sick of limitations. Returning to the exercise is good physically as well as mentally. From pre-baby to post-baby exercise you will feel different sensations and stimulations.

After birth exercise is best to completely get recovered from delivery, lessen tiredness, reduce weight, helps mental well-being, boost energy, and maintain your muscles.

Postpartum Periods 

During the nine months, the menstrual cycle is paused, and after the 4th to 6th week of postpartum, it returns. There might be some changes when you get your first period after your baby. Firstly, breastfeeding the topmost reason for these changes, as ovulation is stifled because of the prolactin hormone that is responsible for the production of breastmilk.

The other changes would be, you may have different period cycle length, shorter or longer or heavier or low flow. There might be cramps that could be mild or severe, and the cycle may be irregular also, as the hormone takes time to work normally.

Return to Sexual Life

It is advised to take recommendations first from the health care provider who better knows about your internal conditions. Most commonly it is suggested to start the sex life within four to six weeks of postpartum. But if you are eager to slip back under the cover ask your consultant first. The woman who has vaginal delivery is more likely to have a longer healing time, or early sex can lead to various vaginal infections. Before resuming sex, make sure you have stopped postpartum bleeding.

Men are physically stronger than women, hence making it clear for all the women out there to be on guard from the beginning. All women have to go through a lot in their life, first there are those deadliest period cramps every once in a month, accompanied with mood swings that turn your week of the month upside down. Then after they get married and get pregnant, comes the deadliest-than-cramps labor pain. Childbirth is the most difficult part of a woman’s life and gets started with painful contractions leading to labor pain.

The pain during labor is compared to breaking of bones all at once, some also assume that it’s like having severe cramps of the menstrual cycle, which is way too much than the actual pain of cramps. So, in order to pass this stage with good health and to have a safe and secured birth of the child, every woman must prepare themselves from the beginning. Otherwise the consequences will be intolerable, as it is seen in many careless cases.

Here’s what every girl should do once they get blessed with their first period:

Healthy Diet

To keep you’re coming days healthy and safe, healthy diet from the start is a must which includes fruits and vegetables, warm milk, and all other food items that are considered healthy. 


Your preparation starts when you are unmarried and get your first period, women must include supplements in their daily diet to avoid any type of deficiency. It is advised by many doctors that the intake of Folic Acid should be a must have for women to avoid birth defects. 


Gentle work out is an ideal habit for women, as it keeps the muscles free from stiffness and makes the body healthier and boosts up the stamina, which is very important when ladies finally get the labor.

Mental Therapy

It does not mean that you should go to a psychiatrist or take mental help, it basically means to feel happy about things and leave stress, tensions and anxieties into the other world. A happy mind is a healthy mind, so every woman, even before their pregnancy should be mentally fresh and doing good.

Cut-out Caffeine and other Unhealthy Stuff

Heavy consumption of caffeine leads to miscarriage or an unideal weight of baby during birth. It advised all the women out there to cut-out the intake of tea, coffee, or cola for a healthy and safe pregnancy. Other food stuff like junk food which is the cause of obesity and other heart disease must also be avoided.

Track your Ovulation days

1 week after your period, that is the 14th day till the 1st day of your menstrual cycle. It’s when your ovaries release the fertile eggs, hence the best time to conceive your child. For that purpose you must need to keep a check on your menstrual and ovulation calendar. It is best if you visit your gynecologist for medical advice and proper track of your physical health.

Pregnancy is a blessing for every woman alive on this planet. Since their childhood, women tend to have motherly instincts and wish to become a wonderful mother one day. However, life is not always the same for everyone. Some women are unfortunate to be blessed with this greatest happiness. Infertility is one of the curses that every woman is afraid of. It may appear in many forms, for example women having problems in ovulation, or absence of uterus to carry the embryo, recurrent miscarriages etc.

Infertility never comes alone, it brings a lot of sadness with it. Life gets changed in a single moment that affects your relationship with your partner, that’s the worst part of infertility. There stays silence, hopelessness and coldness in your relationship leading to intimacy issues, understanding issues, self-love issues and many others. Because having a child after marriage completes the relationship of the parents and as a lot of parents out there claim that life got more beautiful when they had their first child, they also add that a lot of misunderstandings get ignored because of that little bundle of joy.

As we live in an era where technical advancement has taken over the world, in the 20th century, to overcome the saddest phase of a couple’s life, gestational surrogacy was introduced when Mary Beth Whitehead gave birth to baby Melissa as a surrogate mother and was liable to give the custody of the baby to the couple whose genetic elements were used for the surrogacy, but she refused to do so.

This medical revolution has brought many cures for incurable diseases. Gestational Surrogacy is one of them and is basically a medical technique called In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) when a woman agrees to be the surrogate mother hence carry the child of a couple who are unable to conceive successfully or should we say, are infertile. The sperms and eggs of the infertile couple are injected into the surrogate mother’s uterus and then the process gets started. But the difficult part is to decide, whether to go for surrogacy or just adopt a kid and live happily ever after. Most couples confidently go for surrogacy without a second thought, because of the emotional and genetically connection between them and their child. No judgments!

Even the forever iconic T.V show “Friends” also showed us this face of life when Phoebe Buffay became the surrogate mother for her brother’s (Frank Buffay Jr.) and sister-in-law’s (Alice) eggs and sperms and gave birth to the healthy triplets.

Factors to Consider Before Going for Gestational Surrogacy

Proper Consultation

To go for Gestational Surrogacy it is advised to the couple to first visit their doctor in order to make a firm decision whether to go for it or not, after measuring all future possibilities or should we say impossibilities. The doctor should be connected to the couple from the start of their complications and should do the proper counselling. 

Calculate the Finances

The most important aspect to consider is, the intended couple should be financially stable because this treatment costs way more than a normal pregnancy, first there is the expense incurred on the medical technique (IVF) and then the expenses of a surrogate mother. 

Chances of Multiple Pregnancy

As linked to the above aspect, finances should also be forecasted for multiple pregnancy. There are chances that there could be twins or triplets as a result of treatment done on a surrogate mother.

Chances of Birth Defects There are chances of birth defects after the IVF method, the baby could be handicapped or born with other deficiency. So before opting this technique, a couple should consider all the aspects related to surrogacy.

Hooray! A human to love unconditionally for the rest of your life is almost here – celebrate all you want. Pregnancy, for most of the women is a magical time. Imagine life budding inside you and your role in the in the same life that will begin soon. Women with their motherly instincts are on cloud nine when they hear this news, and this can quickly turn into an overwhelming experience if you do not stay careful. Pregnancy for couple and single mothers is a completely different experience, but moms’ regardless of their life’s circumstances make sure their child stays safe.

There is an extraordinary over load of information during these days. From your distant relatives ringing you to give advices to your neighbor bringing homemade stuff for you, this is the time you will feel closest to your community. While there are numerous perks of this new belongingness, it also offers false and misunderstood information. Whoever wants the best for their child will know that during pregnancy, organizing things is the key.

Pregnancy is a long period of nine months which is divided into three trimesters. Each trimester focuses on development of different areas in the baby’s mind. There is crazy load of information on the internet and books to comprehend all in your nine months. Pretty ridiculous to dump tons of information on a new mama who is struggling to come to terms with changes occurring in her own life and body. This is why obstetricians suggest following a week-by-week calendar.

Every mother has some preferences and a unique way of dealing with their pregnancy. The worst someone can do is judge a new mother in her ways; the only help you can offer is by giving the right information. Making a week-by-week calendar should be the mother’s job and if she selects an already established one, this is her decision as well. In these digital times, there are thousands of illustrated pregnancy calendars available for mothers and fathers.

All About Due Dates and Trimesters

Tracking baby’s growth and your symptoms become relatively easy when you have a place to write them down at. The first question anyone will ask you after staring a while at your baby bump will be about your due date. When you make the first prenatal appointment with your ob/gyn, they will help you get an expected delivery (EDD). The 40 weeks period of pregnancy is eventful, to say the least, and it begins from the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP).

From the first day of LMP, your due date is only your obstetrician’s best guess. Baby can pop out anytime during 38 and 42 weeks. Few women actually deliver their babies on their exact due date, the rest only get an idea for preparations from the determined date. Another big term during your 40 weeks of tirelessly experiencing changes in your body will be trimester. As you already know, 40 weeks are divides into three phases aka trimesters.

First Trimester: Week 1 to Week 12

Second Trimester: Week 13 to Week 26

Third Trimester: Week 27 to Week 40

When you have a proper tracking record of your baby’s development, you can easily go back and check the progress every week. This also helps you track things happening to you and then work on finding ways of countering the adverse effects that happened sometimes.

Pros and Cons of a Week-by-Week Pregnancy Calendar

You will know when you baby first kicked, or when you got the first post-ultrasound picture of your little blessing. You will track all the movements, mood swings, milestones and have a wholesome experience of pregnancy. There is nothing better than keeping a track of these little moments and then later remembering them for the rest of your life.

About cons – apart from being overly conscious about your baby, there is not a single con of tracking every single detail. Let’s be real – mother instinct is all about being overly conscious about their babies, even when they are out of their bodies. This is why making a calendar right from the start is so important.

What to expect during Week 1 to Week 12

Half of this semester might just go under the contemplating period; where you are still not sure if you are pregnant or not. As an embryo develops during these first 12 weeks, the baby’s growth is the most accelerated during this trimester. You can hear a heartbeat generally by 6 weeks and by the time this trimester ends, you baby is a whole organism with muscles, bones and organs. A tiny human aka fetus is evident at this time of your pregnancy.

At this time, mother herself experience many changes in her physical and mental health. Keeping up with your own mood swings and cravings and new sicknesses gets tiring pretty quickly. The charm wears off and you are left awake in the middle of the night battling the anxiety that comes with picking on a new life role. Whoever your consultant is, make sure you discuss all your mental health issues with them too!

What to expect during Week 13 to Week 26

This is the time to show off your cute little baby bump to the world. Let in all the congratulations and love from your closed ones and feel as good about this new change as you can. In the middle three months of your pregnancy, you will feel more energetic as you did earlier. All the anxiety, sickness and fatigue that first enveloped you will be elevated as you accept yourself more into a mother’s role. At the end of this trimester, you will start feeling the movements of your baby!

What to expect during Week 27 to Week 40

“Cannot wait to meet the baby” stage is here. This trimester makes mothers tired but this is the time they have to super alert. The excitement of meeting the baby might stop you from considering things from various angles. As you reach your due date, make sure to give some time yourself. As soon as the baby arrives, your life will revolve around him or her, this is the time you need to save for yourself. One important thing mothers forget – please take all the help that is being offered, there is strength even when you have helping hands!

Pregnancy is not the time to diet. Dieting can really affect your baby negatively and by doing dieting you may deprive your baby from important food groups. During pregnancy managing your body weight is important to keep you and your baby healthy. Expecting women really need to make sure that whatever they are eating throughout the pregnancy is providing enough and required nourishment to the baby.

Pregnancy changes everything from your body to your living style. To keep your body healthy enough to cope with the changes occurring your body, you have to consume the healthiest diet. Happy and healthy pregnancy requires the mother’s diet to be full of nutrients. Baby’s main source of nutrition is what the mother eats. A mother should take a diet which include a bunch of healthy foods and drinks.

A mother should be emotionally and physically happy and healthy because it effects the baby. Eating healthy and wholesome food will lead to happy pregnancy as well as happy and healthy baby. A pregnant woman needs a lot of minerals and vitamins in her diet. These nutrients are not only good for mother but also essential for the baby. A maintained and balanced diet helps in the growth and development of the baby.

Lists of Foods to Eat During Pregnancy:

All the way through pregnancy mother should have the healthiest and nutritive diet to keep herself and the baby fir and healthy. This is the list of foods which the mother should eat during her prenatal period.

  • Intake of Fruits And Vegetables:

Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables all day. You can take them in any form. You may have them in the form of juices, dried, canned, fresh or frozen. Fruits and vegetables has greater level of vitamins and nutrients in them which are very essential for both mother and the baby. Mostly doctors prefer eating fruits as a whole rather than having juices because juices contains higher sugar content in them.

  • Food Full of Starch and Carbohydrates:

Carbohydrates and starch provide huge amount of energy to the body and helps the body to stay active all day. They are a very vital component of diet for an expecting woman. You may eat pastas, bread, rice and potatoes to consume carbohydrates and starch.

  • Consumption of Protein:

A lot of proteins are needed during prenatal period. Protein is a building component and helps in the growth and development. It helps in building up of body organs of the baby like heart and brains etc. Most common sources of protein are poultry, meat, fish, beans, nuts and tofu etc.

  • Dairy products:

3 to 4 servings of dairy products are important in one day. Dairy products helps in keeping the body strong and especially the bones and teeth. During pregnancy the bones of the mother weakens and these products help in restoring the energy. Milk, yogurt and cheese are a good source of dairy products.

  • Requirement of Iron:

Pregnant woman needs double amount of iron as she needs in her daily life. Extra quantity of minerals are required to produce more blood to fulfil the need of baby and to supply adequate amount oxygen. Not getting sufficient amount of iron can lead to issues like anemia and can cause several infections. Iron-rich cereals, poultry and beans etc. are a vital source of iron.

  • Role of Calcium:

Calcium is the most important mineral and required in the building up and development of baby’s bones and teeth. If mother’s consumption of calcium is not good then the baby will fulfil its need of calcium through the mother’s bone. Green leaves, milk, yogurt, cheese and calcium rich food is the source of calcium.

  • Importance of Zinc:

Zinc is an essential element used in tracing. Role of zinc in growth and development, cellular reliability and many biological functions including several metabolisms is very significant. Zinc helps in the development of fetus. You can adequate amount of zinc in your body by eating turkey, ham, shrimp, oysters, dairy products, peanut butter, ginger and onions etc.

Healthy Habits to Include in Your Daily Routine:

These are some important points which a pregnant woman should include in her routine.

  • Always Have Breakfast Like a King:

Do not forget breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day. Try eating ready-to-eat foods in breakfast or have fresh fruits and juices. Breakfast also helps in managing the weight. Breakfast also helps in coping up with morning sickness.

  • Eat Foods That Release Energy Slowly:

Avoid eating foods that release their energy immediately. Such food may result in crash. Eat less sugary foods.

You should instead try these:

  1. Whole grain bread
  2. Good quality rice
  3. Potatoes and sweet potatoes
  4. Pastas and beans
  • Drink Plenty Of Water:

During pregnancy drink adequate amount of water. Mother’s body require extra fluids to meet the demands of pregnancy. You may mix up or add other things in your water to make it tasty and sparkly.

  • Eat Less But Frequently:

Eating less amount of food keeps you from nausea and helps you throughout the day. It helps you with other sort of sickness. It makes you feel more comfortable, keeps frequent and rapid pregnancy cravings in control and also manages digestion and heartburn.

  • Be Active:

You should keep yourself active and keep doing simple exercises. Staying active will help you both and will help your body to be ready for delivery.

  • Add Prenatal Vitamin And Folic Acid In Your Routine:

Adding prenatal vitamins in your daily diet will help you in keeping yourself fit and healthy. Iron helps in keeping the body healthy. Folic acid keeps your body from birth deficiencies.

Things to Limit in Your Diet:

Those things which can cause you and your baby harm should be limited in your diet.

  • Limit Soft Cheeses And Lunch Meat:

These things can cause bacterial problems in your body which may cause harm to you and your baby. Eat limited amount of sushi and hotdogs during pregnancy.

  • Limit Intake Of Caffeine:

Excessive intake of caffeine can hurt your baby. But 200mg caffeine is safe during pregnancy.

Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy:

Foods and beverages that can hurt your baby should be strictly avoided during pregnancy.

  • Avoid Consumption Of Alcohol, Unpasteurized Food And Raw Meat:

Consumption of alcohol is really harmful for the growing baby. Eating unpasteurized food and raw meat can cause food poisoning, blindness and mental disability in the baby.

The Myth about Eating For Two:

 Throughout the pregnancy you do not need to eat any extra calories for your little one until the third trimester starts.

Above are some simple tips for a happy pregnancy. In case of any confusion or trouble straightaway call upon on your midwife or doctor.

Women with all the household challenges and daily chores found it difficult to take care of themselves. There are different changes that they might be ignoring since they give birth to the baby. Usually it takes time to recover from the postpartum fluctuations.

Every week you will feel some different signs and symptoms. But it is really hectic for the new mothers to monitor themselves week-by-week and plan something effective to overcome the hard time. When a women reaches to the second week of postpartum, she feels a little better than the first week. But still you are in the recovery process and it take time to get back to you to normal. Of course there must be some question arising in your mind concerning the symptoms and how to cope up amidst the second week. Here is the guide that would help you throughout.

Cramps, Bleeding and Pain Management

Experiencing pain during postpartum is normal among women. In the second week you may feel pain from little to no pain. The cramps usually discomforts you at night, but with all of the stress over your head and after experiencing the labor pain you become tolerant to the little discomforts.

During this week, the vaginal bleeding is normal and it remains heavy for some days. The bleeding ends in this week and you may observe that in this duration the discharge color is pinkish brown or yellowish which is considered as normal.

Recovery from C-Section

You are just in the second week when you have experienced the major abdominal surgery. The doctors and advisors recommend to visit the hospital for a postpartum check where they examine the incision. After C-section, women usually go through swelling, fever and incisional infections sometimes. In any of the severe case concern with your doctor.

At this stage of recovery, you may feel the tenderness against the incisions, you feel itchy, and it causes discomfort and is painful. The healing process of incision takes time so follow the recommendations of your doctor to avoid any serious circumstance.

Mental Health

Anxiousness, anxiety, irritations, mood swings, cravings, depression, compulsion and obsessions keep going with women throughout the nine months and also after giving birth to the baby. It is normal to have psychiatric disorders in the second week of postpartum recovery. The mental disturbance during and after pregnancy is a common phenomenon, so do what you like the most. If your depression is getting severe discuss with your healthcare provider.

Night Time Sweating

There are worst sweating in the night time after giving birth to the baby especially during the second week of postpartum. It usually ends in sixth week, but the symptoms goes for long. Here are some simple ways by which you can keep yourself calm;

  • Use air conditioner.
  • Open the windows for the fresh air,
  • Drink cold water.
  • Eat something if you want.
  • Put a fan on the side table of the bed.
  • Breathe deeply.


Postpartum recovery is not as much challenging as we thing it could be. Make a step-by-step and week-by-week plans to cope up with the worst things going to happen with you. Follow advises of your doctors properly and consider the above mentioned easy ways.

Postpartum, the baby blues begins when you give birth to your baby. At this time, a woman goes through different types of illnesses and conditions week-by-week. As you get shattered with your busy schedule and taking care of your baby. Keep in mind you are still in the recovery phase, hang onto to the instructions given by your health provider, and ask for the more strenuous activities.

In 3 to 6 weeks, women start to feel somehow normal. In this duration, your body starts to heal and get to normal. But some conditions occur every now and then, which should be checked and discussed with your health provider.

Normal Body Recovery

At this phase, your vagina is not that sore as it was when you gave birth to the baby. But still, it’s not too adequate for sex. The marks of your C-section stitches are getting dazed, and the pain is going to the minor side. With the C-section scars, some chronic are getting normal also, however, the incision cuts will take time to recover. As the size of the uterus enhances after giving birth to the baby, but, in 3 to 6 weeks of postpartum, it starts to shrink and emanate to normal size.

Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression occurs after giving birth. It is followed by some symptoms like stress, insomnia, and irritability, loss of appetite, sadness, crying, difficulty making depression, and struggle to have a bond with your baby. Sometimes it could be really severe, it is a common thing which is treatable.

When you find yourself in postpartum depression, promptly contact your doctor, it’s important to get professional advice. Most of the time women did not take the treatment. However, treatment can create a massive change in the baby’s health as well as your quality of life.

Mood Swings 

In the first week of postpartum, every woman experiences some mood swings that last for a long time or extent for weeks. At that time, women become so sensitive that they feel cry on little things as the hormones are at adjustment level. Usually, they miss their old life and want everything normal, which is stressing them. These little mood swings entrenched with time and lead to postpartum depression, which is a severe condition. Try to cope with yourself before you reach some severities, as you can’t manage this with your newborn.

Postpartum Bleeding 

Postpartum bleeding occurs when your placenta is healing and your uterus is getting to normal. Postpartum bleeding is also known as lochia. It comes after when you are bleeding heavily. The bleeding ends within a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 12 weeks, and at this time, it would be very light and happens eventually. Make sure you are not exerting too much pressure on yourself and taking rest.

During 3 to 6 weeks, if you notice heavy bleeding, it is highly recommended to contact the health provider, as the disregard can lead to a drop in blood pressure, weakness, dizziness, and many other physical disorders.

Pregnancy and birth is a beautiful and transforming experience. When you discover about your pregnancy a whirlwind of emotions and feelings come to your way running. You might also feel your head spinning with lots of thoughts, question, tensions and worries and also a bunch of happiness. Pregnancy is all about changes and growth of the baby and mother. You may experience some complications during your gestational period like gestational diabetes etc.

What Actually Is Gestational Diabetes?

Gestational diabetes is a condition in which the blood sugar level of the mother rises during pregnancy. It is kind of diabetes which occur in pregnant women. It is diagnosed the very first time during the pregnancy. There are other types of diabetes too but this affects how your cells utilize glucose. It causes increases in level of blood sugar and can negatively affect your fetus’ health. All the expecting women are tested for gestational diabetes at some point in their pregnancies.

Some Major Causes of Gestational Diabetes:

Gestational diabetes rises because of the hormonal and other changes that mother’s body undergoes. Insulin is a hormone which is made in one of the glands of our body called pancreas. Insulin let the body to productively metabolize glucose for further use as energy. When level of insulin reduces the body became unable to use insulin efficiently and so the blood sugar level rises also called hyperglycemia. It can also damage body organ, blood vessels and nerves.

Many researchers and doctors do not know yet why some of the women get gestational diabetes and others don’t.

Risk Factors of Gestational Diabetes:

Some extent of insulin resistance is fine in late pregnancy but in some women it is enough to cause gestational diabetes. These are some factors which increases the risk of diabetes in pregnancy.

  1. You are overweight or obese
  2. Less physical activity
  3. History of gestational diabetes
  4. Any sibling or parent with diabetes type 2
  5. A personal history of PCOS
  6. Having prediabetes
  7. Race issues – women who are black, American Indian or Asian American have major risk of facing gestational diabetes.

Symptoms of Gestational Diabetes:

Many women suffering from pregnancy diabetes or gestational diabetes may have no symptoms at all. Some might have a few symptoms which are listed below.

  • Unusual Thirst:

It means you are thirstier than usual.

  • Repeated Urination:

You will feel the urge to urinate more than usual and frequently.

  • Increase In Appetite:

You will feel hungrier than usual.

  • Fatigue:

This sign may be difficult to identify because fatigue is common in pregnancy.

  • Sugar in Urine:

This is identified by a test done by your doctor.

  • Nausea:

You may feel nauseous if you have gestational diabetes.

  • Various Skin, Bladder And Vaginal Infections:

In pregnancy diabetes or gestational diabetes you may suffer from frequent infections.

  • Unclear Blurry Vision:

High blood pressure gives the signals for high blood sugar level.

Effect of Gestational Diabetes on Your Baby:

This is small list of problems that can occur in your baby due to gestational diabetes.

  1. Your baby might have a huge risk of having jaundice.
  2. Major chances of having respiratory distress syndrome (RDS).
  3. Greater chance of dying before the birth or following birth.

It cannot be always prevented in majority of cases it can be cured. You should adopt more healthy habits before pregnancy and it will result in your favor. Above are some major causes and symptoms of gestational diabetes. In case of any doubt or confusion ring on your health provider or doctor right away.

Your whole diet undergoes a huge change when you discover that you are pregnant. You may have to leave eating what is your favorite and you might have to add some unwanted edibles to your list. The very first thing expecting women study when they are pregnant is what they can eat and what not. It can be a real disappointment if you are foodie.

 You must know that these all changes are for your and your baby’s benefit. There are some of the beverages which may look fine to intake but might have negative effects on pregnant women.

Drinks and Beverages to Avoid While Pregnant:

Here is a small list of beverages and drinks to stay steer clear of during pregnancy.

  • Unpasteurized Milk And Juices:

Raw milk and fruits and vegetables juices can contain a lot of harmful and negatively affecting bacteria. Such bacteria can be a source of destructive infections in your newly born. The bacteria present in these fluids can be naturally occurring or can be caused by contaminating during the storage process.

Pasteurization is a process by which damaging bacteria and other microorganism present in the material are destroyed. They can easily enter into the baby’s body through placenta. To reduce the risk of contaminations, drink only pasteurized fluids.

  • Diet Soda:

One of the most important component of diet soda is caffeine which is highly unsafe for the baby. Caffeineis mixed with other vastly sugary components which can cause problems for the fetus. If it is consumed excessively it starts causing problems in the growth and development of the baby and generates different defects.

  • Coffee and Caffeine:

Stay steer clear of any sort of coffee and products which contain caffeine in them throughout your pregnancy. This is the most ultimate practicein your prenatal routine. It can be difficult for many women as they are habitual of taking coffee in their routine so you can start by minimizing the consumption of coffee and caffeine. Try to intake these as least as possible especially in the initial time. Extreme consumption of caffeine causes miscarriages.

  • Iced Tea And Oxygenated Beverages:

For the women who are pregnant in summers, chill and cold drinks are a sort of craving. Iced teas really look harmless and mild but they are not. Iced teas are just any drink but they are teas which means it contains large amount of caffeine in it which can be really risky.

Many people in today’s time are habitual of drinking aerated or oxygenated drinks. These drinks contain caffeine in them. Not only caffeine but also very harmful chemicals which can be really hazardous for pregnant women.

  • Alcohol:

Consumption of alcohol can be really harmful for fetus and mother. Alcohol cause several defects in baby like bodily deformation, hindered brain and a lot of others. Not a single drink is fine for baby. Just one drink can cause many abnormalities in the baby.

  • Green Tea:

It may be very healthy for many people but it is quite harmful for pregnant ladies. It does contain caffeine in it. It also increases your metabolism which is already very high during pregnancy. Stay away from all sort of green teas throughout your pregnancy.

While making your diet plan during pregnancy, remember balance is the key to healthy and happy pregnancy. It is really important to avoid all those things which may lead your pregnancy to a risk. If you feel any sort of doubt call on your midwife or health provider immediately.

According to doctors, 39 weeks of pregnancy are good for your baby to be fully developed with complete health. But unfortunately, some women undergo premature delivery which is complicated for the mother and the baby both. 

When we talk about the third trimester of pregnancy we are basically talking about the period of week 29 to week 40, Voila! The last three month that is seven, eight and nine of pregnancy till the day you give birth. Some women reach week 42 of their pregnancy, it’s called overdue pregnancy in which artificial labor is forced to deliver the baby 

The baby is now a full-grown human being in your womb with the ability to open its eyes, to kick harder than before. The baby will be 19 to 22 inches long in size and weigh about 6 to 9 pounds. The organs are fully developed at the end of 38 weeks of pregnancy which include the heart, brain, lungs. The more the weight of your baby, the more the size of your belly.

Among the first, second and third trimester, most women label the first one as the difficult one because of the changes they go through that shifts their life upside down. 

At the end of the second trimester, you can easily get to know the gender of your baby so the third trimester is basically all about preparations, preparations and preparations!!! 

Gender Reveal is now a Thing 

Gender reveal has now become a common pre-pregnancy celebration in most families around the globe along with the baby shower. If it’s a boy the theme is always blue and for a girl, it’s always pink. And then comes shopping, according to the theme 😉 

Collect all Baby Gears 

Now is the time to do some shopping for furniture for your baby and all the other baby stuff and essentials for your baby. Maintain everything beforehand because you might not want to indulge in this activity after giving birth to your baby. Life would be a lot busier! 

Keep a Track on your Baby’s Movement 

The day your baby starts kicking inside your womb, it always gives you chills of the miracle. Now is the time to record that, when the third trimester begins its important to note daily kicks in order to interpret the baby’s health. You might not want to lose the track because it could result in severe damage. 

Make Selection of a Suitable Hospital and Pediatrician 

After the most difficult months of your pregnancy, now is the time to do some planning for the most-awaited yet tough day of your life. All those months women deal with lots of changes without a single complain. But the time of delivery seems unbearable so to keep that pain in comfort, you must visit the place you’re going to give birth at. Take a tour if needed and find the best suitable health care centre for you and your baby-to-be. 

Also, get in touch with the future pediatrician for your child as it would be necessary to keep your baby’s health track.

Third Trimester Check-ups and Diet Plan 

Regular check-ups with your doctor are always important in any stage of pregnancy but it becomes crucial in the third phase because of the uncertain situations sometimes, to see if there are any complications as the delivery date is near. Your doctor would also like to make sure if everything is going as expected. 

Take Decisions Prior to the Birth 

A decision like whether to feed your baby from the breast or use the formula is crucial for you and your baby’s health. Do research about it and if needed ask your doctor for advice. 

A decision like whether to leave or keep your job if you already are working. Some workplaces are good enough to give their employees 3 months of leave so if that’s the scenario, there wouldn’t be any need to leave your current job. 

Travel Plans should be postponed 

Planning to travel during your full days is not just dangerous but can cause serious damage to your pregnancy. Safe approach to keep your pregnancy successful is to avoid travelling by air especially. The first reason is, constant sitting can cause low blood circulation that can cause complications. The second reason is, labor can appear anytime, and anywhere so long travel are 

Prohibited during the last days of your third trimester neither these airlines will take you aboard during these days. 

It’s for the best to avoid prolonged trips, be it in car or plane. But if it is urgent then must move around for a while every once in a while. 

The third reason that discourages travelling is the exposure to infections that are present almost everywhere and even in the air outside. To keep your baby safe, you must avoid such exposures. 

Stress could be Dangerous 

This is the high time when you should figure out things and take stress-management lessons if you are prone to stress. Stress could lead you to unfortunate premature delivery and you definitely don’t want that to happen. So even if it is about labor stress, keep it easy. Everything will be just fine! 

Sleeping should be the Priority 

In the third trimester, the routine should be normalized and sleeping hours should be extended to 8 hours at night because of the tiredness and restless days. The position while sleeping must also be considered important here as sleeping straight would harm the baby so sleeping on the 

Right side is preferable and there are also accessories to assist you with that, for example, the pregnancy pillow. 

Pack your Hospital Luggage 😉 At the end of the third trimester, it’s always thoughtful to pack the bag with essentials like pillow, medicines, comfortable clothes etc.