Teenage accounts for the years between 13-19 years in human life. These years are a transition from childhood into adulthood, and it marks a number of changes in the body and mind. The transition can be really challenging for the growing kids in the terms of social acceptance and self-image. The inability to cope up […]

Pregnancy and childbirth, in the simplest of explanation, are overwhelming. An infant is a bundle of joy one day and becomes a package of poop the very next day. No matter how much the new parents disguise themselves to be coping well, infant care is challenging.  It comes with so many first moves of life […]

Say no to social media, video games, emails, and work. Switch your phone off and enjoy the time alone. Instead of the electronic world, read books, sit near the window with a cup of tea or coffee, and daydream. This all makes you feel excited and relaxed meanwhile. Maximizing me-time is important for your mental […]

For some people, weight loss is a myth. But still, people are advised to follow some crazy things to control their weight. Well, take it a myth or what, some of you may still not known the side effects of being overweight. Evidences are there to prove the myths right, and to escape it as […]

You may have heard eating certain foods can help boost milk production when you are breastfeeding your child. But what you are practicing to increase lactation? Taking care of the position, watching the clock every while, and feeding your children whenever he/she is hungry is all that you can associate with breastfeeding. However, one more […]

Winter is although a very exciting time for children. They get a multi-week break from school, they usually get involved in outdoor activities. They run around and play in the cold weather, which can also cause flu, fever, cough, and normal cold conditions. For parents, winter is a flu season, as it is normal, the […]


