
Introducing solid food to babies is the most challenging thing for infants. It is the first step that is involved in the growth of babies and the trickiest thing for parents. When it comes to deciding the meal plan which is easy to digest and babies like the taste as well. Bananas are already filled with nutrients, and they can easily be combined with other foods as well to make more yummy servings for newborns. You can serve bananas straight, and your baby will love it.

The first foods for newborns are cereals and fruits, they are the gold standard foods for infants. However, experts recommend introducing vegetables, meats, and fruits as the child’s solid. Giving them bananas is a good idea. It is the best food ever for kids and adults people of all ages. So why just bananas? Here are the reasons it has the most appeal.

Packed with Nutrients

The notable reason is, it is packed with potassium content, and most people know that. It carries a lot of a variety of minerals, fiber, and vitamins. It is rich in a wide variety of vitamins A, C, D, and K: B vitamins, iron, selenium, folate, phosphorous, manganese, copper, choline, magnesium, and calcium. Not all the nutrients are present in bananas, but they are rich in most of the nutrients.

Easy to Digest

It is difficult for babies to digest solids in the beginning, they need the lightest food that they can easily eat and digest. If you are looking for easily palatable foods, go for bananas. They are the best source of carbohydrates specifically when they are ripped. Ripe bananas are significant for babies because they make them more digestible, and the pectin in them begins to break down.

Prevent Anemia

As we all might know that bananas are rich in iron, and hence they help produce the hemoglobin content in the body and generate red blood cells. Experts recommend iron-rich foods for babies at the early stages and bananas are a good source of preventing anemia in kids.

Bananas can easily be combined

If you want your baby to eat bananas, introduce more yummy meals of bananas. At times, your baby might get bored of eating bananas all the time. You can easily expand the range of banana foods that make them love the flavor. There are many recipes available on the internet such as banana smoothies, bananas with cereals, and other formulas.

High in Fibers

Fibers are a must for your kids, however, bananas are the best contributor to cover the daily intake of fiber. You may already hear of giving and not giving bananas when kids are having constipation. This is actually because of the ripeness of bananas. Ripped bananas never cause constipation, while the less ripped bananas can.

Good for Bones and Eyesight

We all think that carrots are only good for eyesight, however, bananas carry vitamin A which is best for the vision of kids. Moreover, the potassium content present in it contributes to making the bones strong and grow.