
Along with all of the symptoms throughout the pregnancy duration, women experience an increase in their heartbeat which sometimes reaches up to 100bpm or above is normal in most women. The increase in the heart rate by 25% is considered as a fast heartbeat. This condition is medically known as episodic palpitation during pregnancy. This condition could be both normal and uncommon in women in the duration of pregnancy. In this condition, women usually feel like their heart is racing or pounding.

Your body requires more nutrition and oxygen, as it is nourishing an alive fetus. Thereby, it is important to make the heart work harder for the proper blood flow. There are many other reasons for palpitation, like the underlying health problems, however, it is important for the doctor and you to find out the possible reasons.

Symptoms of High Heart Beat

There are different symptoms of high heartbeat in women. However, if you observe any of these common symptoms promptly connect to your doctor and let him examine whether they are common signs of pregnancy or something else. The symptoms are;

  • Skipped heartbeat
  • Fainting episodes
  • Breathing problems or shortness of breath
  • Lightheadedness or dizziness

Is it harmful to have a high heartbeat during Pregnancy?

From most of the aspects, the high heartbeats are a symbol of having a healthy pregnancy. This implies that your heart is working properly to supply the required oxygen and nutrition to the fetus for development. As the other symptoms of the heartbeat are not harmful, an increase in the heart rate is not considered harmful, until it leads to severe problems.

How fast it could be?

As the trimester goes by, the heart rate is considered to be different. The heart functioning diverges and affects the heart rate. It begins to increase from the 7th week and till the thirst trimester, it goes by 10 to 20%. There is an increase in the amount of blood pumped from the heart, during the first half of pregnancy it increases by 10% during and reaches 20 weeks.

How to control the increase in heart rate?

A high heart rate is considered to be a normal condition in women during pregnancy. This physiological process brings about some lifestyle changes. However, it is important to always find safe ways and discuss it with the doctor to control the increase in heartbeat.

  • Keep yourself hydrated and take enough amount of water as suggested by the doctor.
  • Take good sleeping hours. Make sure your sleep is undisturbed, and you feel fresh when you wake up.
  • Try to keep yourself calm and relax. Do some pregnancy workout, beat the stress as much as you can. Taking chamomile tea or aromatherapy will make you feel relaxed.
  • The more you feel relaxed the more you can avoid the onset of an increased heartbeat. Practice the technique that helps you stay relaxed like meditation, yoga, exercise, deep breathing, and try whatever relaxes you.