
The COVID-19 pandemic that is also known as coronavirus, which is an ongoing global pandemic. This virus is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). In December 2019 the outbreak was first identified in Wuhan, China. According to The World Health Organization, it is declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30th January 2020 and a pandemic on 11th March. It is said that the virus is mainly spread between people during close contact through small droplets produced by coughing, sneezing, and talking. The droplets usually fall to the ground or onto surface so there is also a chance of getting infected by touching a contaminated surface and then touching our face.


As we all know that keeping our kids healthy is always the top priority for all the parents during the Corona crisis and also it will become increasingly challenging for the parents this fall. As events unfold and new information becomes available the world is rapidly changing. And yes there is an important thing we can do is just get the information from a very reliable source and focus on the facts and just take action. There are some of the following steps to keep children healthy during this pandemic.


It’s important to teach your children to sneeze or cough into their elbow. And also help your children understand not to touch their face, as germs, including Covid’19 is quickly spreading through nose and also from mouth. Always praise Positive behavior in front of your children and in addition help them understand the importance of social distancing.


Teaching kids to practice good hygiene is very important. Always remind your children to wash hands frequently just to avoid unwanted germs before snacks, after bathroom, blowing their nose and playing outside. 


Right now is always the best time to make an extra effort to take care of your children bodies. Nourish them with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits. Keep them active, positive and make age-appropriate amounts of sleep a priority for your kids.

When it comes to children and Covid’19, you just need to remember some things which are important.

  • Help them cope their stress.
  • Necessary precautions that must be taken to prevent getting sick such as using sanitizers and masks.
  • Spend quality time with them.
  • Providing them guidance about how to survive this pandemic ie. Sops, maintain social distance, washing hands, sneeze and cough with covering their face etc.
  • Routine check-up with health care professionals.
  • Healthy food consumption. 

At the end just want to highlight that you should remain calm and know that children will react to both what you say or how you say it. And just reassure your children that they are safe and it’s okay to be upset. Let them know how you deal with your stress so that they can learn from you. Always make yourself available for them to listen and talk.