
This coronavirus brings offices to home, which means more stressful situations. Working from home is not easy for the people who remain involved with their family members. For most people, this experience is very new. But, whoever knows technology could make it possible. Well, still, you are a daily job person, and you have no way to make working from home easy, which should be full-time and on daily basis.

Although, if you used to work from home most of the time, still, in this corona situation WFH is a different experience. You don’t know how long will it ends, but the whole team connects with you every day. The zoom meetings, taking follow-up from the team, and replying on time is a far difficult thing from home.

Most of the time you find it so depressing, and there is no way to back off as you have no other option. Well, in the already stressful situation where we all are stuck, and we cannot even socialize, work for home is full of exhaustion. But there are ways by which you can make work from home full of fun. Here are the ways which will turn the stress into fun.

Make your Cabin at Home

To make yourself ready for work, as you are already in the comfort zone, it is important to have a suitable work environment. It is far difficult to separate home and work. If you cannot disconnect yourself from home, you can never work efficiently. As you have struggled a lot to build your career, and you cannot let it suffer at any cost.

So, designate a place for your home office. Decorate a table as of your office, but the office belongings there, a laptop in the center, a small plant, some colorful post-its, your water bottle, and everything you need. The proper work environment will keep you focused on.

Have some Snacks Time

Working from home and during the designated working hours will make you feel drowsy, exhausted, and tired. Breaks for the snacks are good to make yourself alert and full of energy. Working people are normally recommended to take a full meal at lunch, as most of the energy has already drained in the first half. But snacking is a fun thing, keep your favorite snacks, like nuts, chocolate, chips, candies, fruits, or salads on your table and enjoy the snack fuel.

Dress up!

Dressing up properly, not too formally will make you feel lively. It is so tempting to wear your PJ’s all day, but changing clothes will make you feel good, it is a signal to wake up and go to work. Take shower, brush your hair, wear good clothes, put on some makeup, and get on your screen. This is a feeling of being human (just kidding!) and draws a line between being home and working from home.


Well, work from home doesn’t mean you have to cut yourself from people, friends, and family. Take out a few minutes and take little breaks to socialize even with the people in your surrounding or get on the phone and check the chats. This will make you feel relax and lessen the work stress also.