
God showers countless blessings over His people and birth of a child is one of the most beautiful ones among all His blessings. Getting pregnant brings a huge difference in one’s life. At this very moment mother can feel hundreds of different feelings but most importantly a mother is excited and nervous at the same time. Carrying a life inside your body isn’t easy but it is for sure a unique and life-altering journey.

All mothers would definitely agree that being a mother is the greatest achievement and pleasure of their life. During the whole time period a woman not only changes physically but emotionally as well. This is the time of growth and profound awakening. Sometimes pregnancy can be really tiring and hectic however being aware of the symptoms and their coping methods can be really helpful. Here are some of the ways through which one can easily cope up with pregnancy symptoms. 

Pregnancy Symptoms and Ways to Deal with Them

Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are the symptoms which are experienced by majority of women. People usually call it morning sickness but the worst thing regarding it is it can strike anytime throughout the day and night. A serious form of nausea is known as Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG).

Tips to cope:

  • If nausea is bad, consult your care provider about prescribed medicines.
  • If nausea is mild, keep a check about the food which seem to work best.
  • Taking a prenatal vitamin at night can also help get rid of sour stomach.
  • Do not over-consume fatty, rich and spicy food.
  • If the smell of food makes you feel uncomfortable, try getting some other alternative.
  • Eat well for yourself and the baby.
  • Never compromise on rest.

Tender Breasts

All credits to pregnancy hormones, tender breasts may be one of the first noticeable symptoms of pregnancy. Sore, tingly nipples and breasts are very common in newly pregnant women. For some women the soreness is a matter of few weeks while other women may experience varying degrees of pain throughout the duration of nine months. Some women are very lucky and never feel any breast sensitvity which is completely normal too.

Tips to cope:

  • Wearing a well-fit maternity bra or supportive bra can help in avoiding discomfort.
  • Ice packs and heating packs can temporarily bring relief to the pain.
  • Take care to avoid knocking your breasts.


Another symptom caused during those amazing but sometimes pesky period of pregnancy is fatigue. You can feel overly tired even if you have done nothing the entire day and can take nap anytime, anywhere. It is very common especially during the first trimester and for majority of women it can be the very first symptom of pregnancy. It can turn your daily tasks into feeling like you are running a marathon race.

Tips to cope:

  • Head to bed earlier than usual and minus all extra activities from your schedule.
  • Take a quick power nap.
  • Take a short walk and make time in your day to do some gentle exercise.
  • Stay hydrated because dehydration can cause extra fatigue.
  • A little amount of coffee (200 milligrams) is good for quick pick up as the mentioned amount is safe during pregnancy.

Frequent Urination

You can get really tired of peeing all the time and this starts from the first trimester and come back as a counterstroke in the third. It increases by the time as the uterus and baby grows, putting all pressure on the bladder.

Tips to cope:

  • Unfortunately there is nothing to reduce this symptom. Only peeing before you leave for anywhere and going to the washrooms when you need to go can help.
  • Do not limit your intake of fluids.


A lot of hormonal misbalances take place in a soon to be mama’s body during the whole pregnancy period. Progesterone – a hormone which plays important role in pregnancy. When its level increases during pregnancy most women feel delayed contractions in the abdominal area which may cause constipation.

Tips to cope:

  • Keep yourself hydrated. You may add healthy herbs and fruits to make your drink tasty.
  • Eat fruits and vegetable with higher level of water content in them. Such as cucumber etc.
  • Increase intake of fibrous food. Such as banana, oranges, and whole grain bread etc.
  • You may ring your doctor in case of severe constipation.


Thanks to pregnancy hormones, most women feel sensitivity to smell and food aversions during pregnancy. This can cause headache, nausea and vomiting during first trimester.

Tips to cope:

  • Avoid places with strong and pungent smells.
  • Keep clean
  • Smell only good stuff
  • Eat and cook only those things whose smell you can bear.

Braxton Hicks Contractions

You experience feel cramps as your uterus lining begins to change and grow. They are often harmless contractions which are usually felt at the end of second trimester or in third trimester. You may call it “uterus’ way of practicing labor”.

Tips to cope:

  • Rest, warm-bath, heating pad, exercise or having an organism can help in reducing cramps.
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Notify your doctor in case of severe contractions.

Mood Swings

As a result of plenty of changes in the body, several mood swings occur. If you are having unusual spells of weeping and crying, it could just be a hormonal change. Sudden mood changes are quite noticeable yet annoying symptom.

Tips to cope:

  • Treat yourself good.
  • Allow yourself to feel and be patient.
  • Talk to someone who understands you and let them comfort you.
  • There is not a lot you can do to avoid mood swings.

Dizziness and Fainting

It is mostly common in first trimester but can happen anytime during the entire pregnancy duration. It mainly happens due to major changes in blood volume. Low blood sugar can also be a reason.

Tips to cope:

  • Get some air and sit down.
  • Keep small carb snacks if you have blood sugar problems.
  • Don’t go too long in between your meals.
  • Drink plenty of water and juices.


Heartburn during pregnancy indicates the increase of progesterone. According to a tale, heartburn is caused when the woman is carrying a baby with a head full of hair.

Tips to cope:

  • Steer clear of acidic foods
  • Do not lie down right after having a meal.
  • Call on your health provider if you feel anything severe.


During pregnancy ligaments become taut and long. Crams and these ligaments changes can cause severe back pain.

Tips to cope:

  • Avoid wearing heels and prefer flats instead.
  • Practice good posture
  • Get massages.
  • Include a healthy physical activity in your daily routine.

These are the most common symptoms experienced by pregnant women. Above mentioned ways to cope up with pregnancy symptoms can help to self-soothe expecting women. If you are still in doubt regarding any information, call on your health provider or midwife at your earliest.