
Everybody loves cats. However, some of us cannot afford cat food. I know that most of us are dying to have a cat and the only thing that stops from having so is the expenses. Or it could be like you want a cat but your parents are not okay with its responsibility because they have other responsibilities too. But every problem comes with a solution!

Yes, cats can have healthy human foods which they can enjoy eating. But the problem is cats are carnivorous and we are omnivorous (dogs too). So our system is made to digest food of any kind. So there are many myths like “oh! Cats should not eat human food and many more other unhealthy things”. Thinking about it makes me wonder how stray cats have survived so far where there is no authentic branded cat food for cats. So then after a lot of search, I came to know that these restrictions are made for branding and that’s all. However, that’s a fact that there are some foods that cats are allergic to and should not consume. We will write them down after letting you know what human foods cats can eat, like and even enjoy.


As cats are meat lovers, a simple sand plain meat. They need to have protein from meat for a strong heart, good vision, and of course for a healthy reproductive system.

Tomato sauce:

One of my friends owns three cats and all the cats like to lick that sauce which is made from tomato. So it can be about cat’s preference to taste or the specialty of my friend’s dish 😉

However, all three cats cannot like the same thing. Give it a try.


Fish give them wider sight, stronger joints and brain. It allows them to give us scratches we didn’t ask for. Oh, that’s what cats crave for!


Rice solves their problem of the digestive system. Little bit rice won’t harm them.

Water melon:

Melon gives vitamin A and C. However, melon seedless would be good.


High in calcium and protein. You should not entirely be inspired by the Tom & Jerry cartoon. As Jerry loved cheese and tom milk. Cats also do like, love and dream of cheese.


Oats are beneficial for the cat’s overall health. As they contain protein, fiber and iron.

And what is more important than your little mammal.

While we have seen some lists of food cat’s love, like and enjoy and can eat.

There are some lists of foods that should not be consumed by your cat, for their safety and well-being


As I mentioned earlier, do not be entirely inspired by Tom and Jerry. Because Tom loved to lick and drink milk. But in reality cats should not consume milk as majority cats are lactose intolerant, cats can’t digest dairy products and the results can be diarrhea and digestive system issues.

Dog food:

Make sure cats don’t eat dog food as it can make them blind. As it has no taurine which is a nutrient for the eyes.

  • Also you should avoid,
  • Onions and garlic
  • Coffee, tea and energy drinks
  • Fat, raw meat, raw eggs, and raw fish.

Your cat loves you, so why don’t it have your healthy food too?