
It is a really tough time indeed, when you are suffering from unusual health changes the signs are enough to predict whether you are pregnant or not. Ultrasound and test are not the only way to investigate pregnancy, the symptoms are to look down for. There are other more symptoms apart from missed periods that give a signal to early pregnancy. Sensitivity, morning sickness, cramps, fatigue, diarrhea, and dizziness are some of the common symptoms.

The symptoms begin from the date of your last period, it might sound awkward but that’s true and it happens. Even if you are not pregnant, the last period date is said to be the first week of pregnancy. The date of delivery is calculated by the last period’s first date. Here are the early symptoms and ways to handle those signs.

Missed Periods in Early Pregnancy

The body starts to produce human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) as soon as the implantation completes. This hormone is responsible for maintaining the body for pregnancy, also it tells the ovaries to prohibit the release of the mature eggs every month.

After conception you will miss your period the next month, it is important to confirm with the pregnancy test if you have any irregular period patterns.

How to handle: If your pregnancy test comes positive, consult with the doctor, and discuss all the history such as medical problems you have or taking medicines.


Fatigue is a really common symptom that could occur anytime during pregnancy but it has been normally noticed in the early stages. It is due to the progesterone levels that make a person feel sleepy.

How to Handle: Take more sleep as you probably feel exhausted. In the early stages having a high temperature is common, try to keep the room temperature cool.

Frequent Toilet Visits

The body starts to pump more blood than usual, which makes the kidneys to make more fluid leading to more fluid in the bladder. This makes you run to the toilet more frequently.

How to Handle: Take more fluid each day, around 300 ml as recommended by the health experts. Set your trips to the washroom to reduce incontinence.

Vomiting, Morning Sickness, and Nausea

During 4 to 6 weeks of pregnancy, usually women experience nausea and morning sickness. It could happen at night and day both times. There is no evidence or reasons for the causes, however, there is a huge involvement of hormones. Usually, there is mild to severe nausea and morning sickness during the first trimester, however, it gets more intense during the end of the first trimester and become mild in the second trimester.

How to handle: Keep yourself hydrated. Put saltine crackers near your bed, eat some after waking up on your bed in the morning, it helps control morning sickness. If still nausea, vomiting, and morning sickness doesn’t stop, concern with your doctor right away!