
Having children in life is the biggest happiness for couples. However, sometimes the bliss turns into sorrows and unhappiness when parents come across losing their fetus. When the beautiful feeling turns into a dark experience, women start to lose their hopes and become depressed because of the loss they experience.

Well, that’s not necessary that one loss can hurt the hopes for long. Indeed, it is the blessing that God makes you experience again and bring the joyous feeling safely to your life. When a couple has a baby after a loss or miscarriage that the baby is named a rainbow baby. The concept of a rainbow baby is taken from the seven colors that appear in the sky after the storm. Likely, when a healthy baby is born after the dark time experienced by the mom that baby is a cute little rainbow baby.

This term has taken the internet and social media. People usually use the name to symbolize the happiness, hope, and healing of the couple. The parents who have gone through a hard time, a rainbow baby is an extreme happiness for them, they have mixed emotions, heals so fast, and enjoy the moments of joy.

Rainbow babies are also known as miracle babies that are helping the parents to heal after the loss they have experienced. The rainbow pregnancy brings feelings of anxiety, fear, and guilt of course due to the loss they have experienced in the past. Those dark times keep reflecting and make the parents experience different things.

Why Rainbow Babies are So Special?

When women experience miscarriages, they are so stress and depressed, and sometimes they become disappointed. They think they might never have a baby. Having a rainbow baby means now you got a chance to heal yourself and take yourself out of stress and depression. It is a very joyful feeling that brings the mommy into relaxation and gets their hopes back. The dark feelings overcome and now the mommies-to-be thinking of how they can keep their selves healthy, how they can protect themselves, and how to welcome the newborn.

Usually, women got busy in those chores, and sometimes they forgot what all happened. Well, the grief takes time to heal, but now all they have to remember is, how to deliver a healthy baby. Women always need some space where the partner supports them throughout the healing process. All they can do is, give time to the broken partner, involve her in the family activities, and plan the welcome of their new family member.

What Partners Should Do!

If your partner is already gone through a miscarriage and lost a baby, now she is pregnant with a rainbow baby, it is significant to keep communicating throughout the pregnancy. As communication is the best healing, and it gives people peace of mind. Although you have experienced the loss too, now your partner is pregnant and she is already experiencing depressing symptoms of pregnancy. Expressing the feelings and making her feel your presence will keep her strong. Tell her that you are always there to support and help whenever she needs it. Be supportive to one another, this is the best way to bring positivity.